Monday, November 23, 2009

I've bought in.

Ok. On Saturday I bought the materials for my next (second ever) woodblock print at Kozo Fine Art Materials. I've decided to make a triptych with these smaller blocks and started some drawings on Saturday. I need to get used to drawing again--I do a lot more writing these days, and by writing I mean actual writing with a pen on paper, often accompanied by horrible sketches that only I would understand. I think there was a bit of a failure of the initial drawing on that first print, so we're working to remedy that here (we? That's right, you and me). I forgot to pick that up again today, so I'll have to show it to you later.

I talked to Rob Gratiot earlier today, and he was supportive of this pursuit of printmaking (though he's never seen my artless drawings), and Rob is also a really nice person, so he would probably automatically refrain from flinching upon learning of my plans. Still, it's nice to be encouraged artistically, and I recall again that I work where I do on purpose. Good to remember. Here's one of Rob's paintings for you to see (Denver is shiny--which is not the title, just an observation).

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the next project! I never saw the finished version of the first try...

    Miss hanging out with you in class!

